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Membresía para hasta 7 usuarios

Tu membresía familiar de YourDirect-Rx

Sin contratos, cancela en cualquier momento

Garantía de devolución de dinero de 14 días

6M+ miembros satisfechos

69.95 dólares

Oferta limitada: ahorra $10

$59.95 / mes

Máxima comodidad desde cualquier lugar

Más tiempo para ti y tus seres queridos

Haciendo que los momentos cotidianos sean relajados y fáciles

Apoyo durante tiempos mentalmente desafiantes

Acceso a médicos con licencia en Estados Unidos en solo unos clics

Atención médica sin salir de casa

#Descripción de membresía


Ideal para familias de hasta 7 personas que deseen estar cubiertas por una membresía. Ser miembro te permite a ti y a toda tu familia adoptar un enfoque más relajado de la vida cotidiana. Puedes estar seguro de que tus desafíos médicos serán atendidos sin tener que lidiar con largas esperas en la sala de emergencias y medicamentos o antibióticos costosos. Toda tu familia puede acceder a soluciones de atención médica que los estadounidenses necesitan todos los días sin tener que salir de casa. Usa tu aplicación o llámanos y obtén todos los servicios que necesitas en cualquier momento del día.

Componentes y beneficios

Doctores Remotos

Atención primaria virtual

Cuidado urgente virtual

Salud mental virtual

Beneficios de la receta

70+Antibióticos gratuitos en más de 68,000 farmacias en todo el país

¡Más de 1,000 medicamentos de mantenimiento gratuitos!

Beneficios de bonificación

Exámenes anuales de sangre gratuitos

Pruebas de laboratorio adicionales al 80% de descuento

Aplicación fácil de usar para reclamar beneficios

Acerca de la membresía

Cómo usar

¡Usar YourDirect-Rx es pan comido! Verifica tu correo electrónico o abre la app, haz clic en unos botones o llama a un número, y conecta con un médico con licencia en Estados Unidos. Si necesitas medicamentos, te los entregarán directamente en tu puerta. Y hay muchos beneficios más esperándote. Cuidado de la salud sencillo y sin complicaciones, ¡a solo unos clics de distancia!

Cómo empezar

¡Comenzar con YourDirect-Rx es sencillo! Haz clic en “Comprar ahora”, completa tus datos ¡y listo! Revisa tu correo electrónico para encontrar un mensaje especial con todos tus increíbles beneficios. Incluso recibirás una tarjeta de miembro digital y un inicio de sesión para una aplicación en tu teléfono. ¡Mantente sano y disfruta de las ventajas!

Política de reembolso

Si por alguna razón no estás satisfecho con nuestra membresía, avísanos en un plazo de 14 días desde tu compra y te haremos un reembolso completo. Sin preguntas.


Puedes inscribirte en la membresía por tu cuenta si tienes entre 18 y 64 años. Para la membresía familiar, los niños de hasta 26 años pueden ser incluidos en la membresía familiar.

Desafiando a una industria codiciosa

Echa un vistazo a un episodio de podcast en el que nuestro COO, Carmine Parrella, habla sobre la industria PBM y cómo YourDirect-Rx la está mejorando con soluciones innovadoras de atención médica.

Productos relacionados

Tu membresía individual Direct-Rx

$59.95 / mes

Sarah T., California

Joining was the best decision I ever made! No more ER waits and the app makes it all so easy. Thanks, YourDirect-Rx!

Lauren J., Florida

Getting free medications delivered is like a dream. The 90-day supply is great for my budget!

James O., Michigan

I have never had my prescription drugs delivered to my doorstep. At least not until I joined the YourDirect-Rx membership. The first time they were delivered I could only remember ALL those times and hassles I went through to pick up my maintenance drugs. It was NEVER easy and NEVER a quick process. I had to first call the pharmacy to make sure they had my drugs in stock. If not, I would wait 48-72 hours to get them. When they had them, I had to arrange for the pickup and drive 20-30 min to their location and usually  wait 15 min or so in line to pay for them. NEVER again. Now they are simply delivered to my doorstep in 90 day supplies. All I can say is THANK YOU YourDirect Rx. My life just got a whole lot easier.

Trent J., Tennessee

I wish this was around years ago. To think of all the money and trips to the pharmacy I've wasted. This sure makes it easier.

Jonathan H., New York

💪 Keeping my family healthy

Emily P., Texas

Honestly this has become our go-to for health as a duo! Virtual visits 24/7, affordable meds (finally!), and super simple to use app. Thanks for keeping it stress free!

Eve S., Ohio

Only $59.95 for my family of 6 (4 kids) seems impossible and we have yet to pay for any of the services or medicine. We use YourDirect-Rx a lot and simply love how affordable it is. Thank you so much!

Ryan R., California

2 very enthusiastic thumbs up

Penelope W., Wisconsin

I always find myself getting sick in the middle of the night on a weekend. Living in a rural area makes it hard to find a doctor at odd hours. I woke up sick a few weeks ago and talked to a doctor on my phone within minutes. He knew exactly what I needed and even offered to refill one of my other scripts once I realized it was running low. He made sure there were no interactions and even reached out the next day to see how I was feeling. What great service!

Kenneth D., Indiana

Saving money makes me happy love this company 🙂

Donna H., Texas

I broke my leg and couldn't do much anymore so I got depressed. I got the email for free mental health counseling and thought it couldn't hurt. It completely changed my outlook and I love that I didn't have to pay for each session.

Emily R., New Jersey

Where has this been all my life??!!! My family was paying $680 A MONTH for our prescriptions and now we pay $60!! $60 PEOPLE!! We can get a new car with these savings : )

Melvin W., Idaho

My wife took ill with 102 fever and could barely get out of bed. Within 10 minutes, the doctor was on the phone with her examination. I ran to CVS and picked up her prescriptions. It was a nice change to see they were free compared to using my company's insurance card. Such a simple process took the worry and stress away.

Mark G., Texas

Virtual is everywhere we look these days but quality is hard to find. I tried this a few months ago since you can cancel anytime and holy cow, I've saved so much money! This plan outshines my company's plan so I dropped them in open enrollment and saved another $100/month. This eliminated all my co-pays and annoying, time-consuming trips to the drug store. I don't even have to worry about refills because they take care of everything. This is so wonderful, thank you!

Jessica W., Ohio

I had a tooth extraction that had an abscess with emergency dental surgery. The dentist prescribed me Amoxicillin post-surgery and Ibuprofen. I started the antibiotic immediately but started feeling unwell after a couple of days. I called the dental office to let them know how I was feeling and they advised me to follow up with urgent care or the ER. The infection must have spread to my system and if I hadn’t called the remote doctor service through YourDirect-Rx I would have ended up in the hospital or worse. Thank you to YourDirect-Rx and the wonderful doctor who saved me!

Nicholas W., Arizona

Up to 80% off on medications – that's a huge relief for me.

Brian K., Washington

Quality telemedicine and discounts on prescriptions

James O., Michigan

My wife and I have full health coverage through my wife’s employer. We do not have any deductibles to meet under our prescription drug plan, but we were spending $138 per month just on co-pays for our maintenance medications.

After joining Your Direct-Rx for $59.95 per month for self and spouse, our co-pays went to zero and our net savings is over $70.00 per month for the same prescription drugs.  With Your Direct, we’ve realized true savings and it’s incredibly convenient.  Our 90-day supply maintenance medications are now shipped to our door at no cost, with no more trips to the pharmacy!

Parker M., California

Up to 80% off on medications? Yes, please! This is my go-to for affordable healthcare and I recommend the experience to everyone

David F., California

YDRX takes care of my entire family. Virtual primary care and free meds delivery – what more could we ask for!

Aaron B., Georgia

Up to 80% off on medications? Yes, please! This is my go-to for affordable healthcare and I recommend the experience to everyone

Bill O., Alabama

It's hard to find a quality discount plan these days and I was shopping them for a while. This one gives me everything I need for my family, it's the most convenient and cheapest.

Pamela A., Florida

Great service. Friendly and knowledgeable doctors. Highly recommend!

Neil K., New York

I really love virtual primary care. My regular doctor makes me wait up to an hour in the waiting room just to fill my prescriptions. These doctors come on at our scheduled time and I can be anywhere for the call.

Emily S., New York

The virtual primary care visits are super convenient. Same doctor every time – feels like private care

Helena G., Illinois

The mental health sessions have helped me through a though phase in my life. I have 12x sessions with a wonderful specialist per year. Easy access and great support, please try it yourself.

Samantha B., Texas

YourDirect-Rx delivers on its promises. Affordable, convenient, and the app is super easy to use!

Megan P., Florida

A blessing for my family!!!! The app's simplicity and benefits are unmatched! Thank you <3

David F., California

Shoutout to YourDirect-Rx for keeping the whole fam covered! 🌟 Virtual visits and meds delivered – the dream team!

Kay A., Florida

I LOVE this program!! I just signed up a few months ago and then my son was sick 3 times back to back. We were able to quickly talk to doctors and get meds around the corner. Everything was FREE!!

Mya D., Iowa

The phone call with the doctor was short and simple. We went over the reason for the call and she confirmed the pharmacy and filled my prescription. The phone call only took about 2 minutes. No co pay, no fees, and the prescription I personally needed is completely free. Talk about easy, peasy, lemon squeezy!!

Matt C., Minnesota

I can't express how much YourDirect-Rx means to my family. The free medication delivery has made managing prescriptions stress-free. You're a true health companion.

Ashley S., Illinois

yourdirect you've been a lifesaver to me the unlimited telemedicine made a real difference when I needed it the most. Grateful for the caring support.

Janice L., Michigan

Get this plan! It will change the way you think about prescriptions. It's gross how much profit big pharma has made off me over the years. You can thank me later.

Helen K., Montana

Help is a only phone call away. I love having peace of mind knowing I won't get surprise bills or copays using this instead of my company's insurance. Behavioral health has changed my kids in such a positive way and it's easy to schedule between extracurricular activities.

Michael C., Washington

My deductible is high and never covers my medication. I prefer telehealth but my insurance copay is high too. This covers everything so I end up saving.

Courtney C., Connecticut

We love this telemedicine and prescription plan. It saved us! I'm a single mom of three and work two jobs. My kids are always sick and the bills keep mounting. I heard about this and saved a ton in the first few months. No more middle of the night ER visits. Phewww! Thank you so much for offering this!

James S., Kentucky

When did they add free blood testing? I just came from my annual scan and they told me I also need a blood panel. Something told me to look up the price of my new meds and just saw it. Hallelujah!

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